Gauge To mm Conversion

Converting sheet metal gauge numbers to millimeters is as simple as following the chart below.  For a more comprehensive gauge chart you can check out our sheet metal gauge chart here.  This chart covers the common and uncommon sheet metal sizes for steel, aluminum and galvanized steel.  Typically the even number gauges are used more frequently.

Gauge # Standard Steel (mm) Non-Ferrous / Aluminum (mm) Galvanized Steel (mm)
0 - 14.732 -
0 - 13.119 -
0 - 11.684 -
0 - 10.404 -
0 - 9.266 -
0 - 8.252 -
1 - 7.348 -
2 - 6.543 -
3 6.073 5.827 -
4 5.695 5.189 -
5 5.314 4.62 -
6 4.935 4.115 -
7 4.554 3.665 -
8 4.176 3.264 4.27
9 3.797 2.906 3.891
10 3.416 2.588 3.51
11 3.038 2.304 3.132
12 2.657 2.052 2.753
13 2.278 1.829 2.372
14 1.897 1.628 1.994
15 1.709 1.45 1.803
16 1.519 1.29 1.613
17 1.367 1.151 1.461
18 1.214 1.024 1.311
19 1.062 0.912 1.158
20 0.912 0.813 1.006
21 0.836 0.724 0.93
22 0.759 0.643 0.853
23 0.683 0.574 0.777
24 0.607 0.511 0.701
25 0.531 0.455 0.627
26 0.455 0.404 0.551
27 0.417 0.361 0.513
28 0.378 0.32 0.475
29 0.343 0.287 0.437
30 0.305 0.254 0.399
31 0.267 0.226 0.361
32 0.246 0.203 0.34
33 0.229 0.18 -
34 0.208 0.16 -
35 0.191 0.14 -
36 0.17 0.127 -
37 0.163 0.114 -
38 0.152 0.102 -
39 - 0.089 -
40 - 0.079 -


Post time: Mar-24-2021
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